Spa Week Gift Card Giveaway


How indulgent! Our friends over at Spa Week are giving away a $500 giftcard to one of their participating spas and 10 $50 giftcards. How would we use it?

On a citrus body scrub. They are refreshing, energizing and help keep faux tans even.

How would our favorite bloggers spend the winnings?

"Vitamin C facials - OJ for the face. They're perfect for brightening summer freckles!"
The Luxury Spot, Bryce Gruber

"Summer pedicures for all...your feet should feel like a baby's bottom."
Betty Confidential, PJ Gach

"Body-sculpting connective tissue massage for firm flawless legs."
Splendora, Vivianne Lapointe

"A Seaweed body treatment is rich in minerals and vitamins, and as relaxing as a beach!"
Queen of the Quarter Life Crisis, Jamie Stone

"Time for the iddy biddy bikini. Gotta get that bikini wax!"
Cozy Wallet, Dalla Strum

"Prenatal Massage - whether you're preggers or not, it's the best water retention reducer!"
Daily Makeover, Rachel Hayes

"A luxurious-to-the-point-of-being- over-priced pedicure with sophisticated scents!" BeautyBloggingJunkie, Amber Katz

"For a fresh and fabulous all-day glow, an Oxygenating Facial is a must."
Haute Living, Sabrina Chapman

Enter the Spa Days of Summer Contest at SpaWeek.